The rapid evolution of smartphones over the last few years has transformed these devices into powerful tools for business. However, not everybody knows how to get the best out of their smartphone for professional tasks. Using your phone for business requires several skills that texting and surfing the web do not. Take a look at our top six tips for using your smartphone as a business tool. You’ll boost productivity, save time, and work on-the-go!
1) Use apps that work across platforms
It’s unlikely you’ll be using your smartphone alone for work, so it’s useful to download apps that work across platforms. This means that anything you do in the app version will be automatically updated on the desktop version (and vice versa). Several business staples have apps for smartphones, such as:
Google G SuiteSlackTrelloSkypeZoomGoogle DriveMicrosoft Office 365
If you’re downloading apps that you aren’t using already, always check to see whether they have a desktop version. This will make it much easier to use your smartphone for business, as all changes are synced across platforms.
2) Sync your business email with your smartphone
The best way to keep your inbox clear is to link your work account with your phone. You’ll see messages as they come in, and be able to respond to them immediately. Even if you can’t email back right away, it’s a great way to keep on top of what’s going on, and see responses to any emails you’ve sent. Do note that some companies may not allow you to this for security-based reasons. If in doubt, check with your company beforehand. If it’s possible, we definitely recommend linking your business email to your phone.
3) Digitize your files
If you’re an established business, why not get all of your paperwork digitized, so you can access it via mobile? By outsourcing document scanning, you canget all of your documents digitized in a time-efficient and cost-effective way. This makes it easy to access your files, forms, and paperwork from your smartphone, enabling you to work-on-the-go without the need for piles of paper.
4) Make use of voice technology
Voice technology is a great smartphone tool for business people that are constantly on the go. It can be used to complete small tasks such as responding to emails or setting reminders. This can be great for when you’ve got your hands full, or are working on a different task on desktop. Whether you use Siri or any other voice assistant, save time by speaking rather than typing. This will help you be more productive, as many of us speak much quicker than we write.
5) Home screen optimization
If you’re using your phone for business, it’s important that you keep it organized and distraction-free for optimum productivity. Place the most important apps in the dock, and the next most frequently accessed on your home page. Try to keep non-work apps such as social media apps away from your home screen, as this will help you avoid aimlessly checking in on them. You could create a sub-folder housing non-work apps to keep them out of site and out of mind.
6) Turn off notifications
Notifications can distract us from the task at-hand. If you’re using your smartphone to focus on one particular task, check your settings and turn off notifications for any non-essential apps. Even if it’s just for the 20 minutes you need to finish reading a document, you’re much more likely to get it done when you’re totally distraction-free. Smartphones are great tools for business, and enable you to get much of your work done on the go. Use these handy tips to make sure your smartphone is fully optimized for business!